«Saal 101» - New documentary radio play on the NSU trial

Under the leadership of the BR editorial team for radio play / documentation / media art in the culture program area, ARD and Deutschlandfunk have prepared the largest right-wing terrorism process in German history as a documentary radio play: "Saal 101" is the name of the 12-hour production, named after the courtroom of the Munich Higher Regional Court where the The proceedings against the National Socialist Underground (NSU) took place in Munich from May 2013 to July 2018. From Friday, February 19, 2021, the 24 parts will be broadcast simultaneously on the ARD culture and information radio and on Deutschlandfunk. (source: https://www.br.de)

Saal 101- Dokumentarhörspiel zum NSU-Prozess.jpg

All information about the audiobook: